Grallator tracks
October 13, 2021
Natural History,
In 2011, hikers ran across Grallator tracks at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. Footprints that are from an unidentified dinosaur are called Grallator, but this is not the name of the dinosaur that made the prints. It just means paleontologists don’t know which dinosaur left the prints behind!
From detailed measurements and the footprint morphology paleontologists believe that a 2 legged, 3-toed, meat eating theropod dinosaur about the size of a large dog left the prints. Their best guess is a Coelophysis or Megapnosaurus dinosaur walked through Nevada 180-190 million years ago, however until there is physical evidence of teeth or bones from these dinosaurs from Nevada this theory cannot be proven.
Come to the museum to learn more about fossils and the geology of Nevada.